Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dear Blog,

Life is good. With all my housemates stressing about term papers, deadlines and exams, I am well aware of how blissfully easy life can be when the end of a workday means the end of work, period. I'm massively enjoying my new found freedom along with my new earned money.

What I do come to miss though, is the writing. This is one of the reasons I decided to once again revive you, dear Blog.

About two weeks ago I finally succumbed to buying my first ever smartphone. It's a Samsung Galaxy S3. It's been just 14 days but I already can't imagine life without it. I am aware that this sounds kind of sad. But seriously, my whole family was always on Whatsapp without me, and now that I'm there I just don't want to leave. And then there is instagram. I would like to point out that no, I am not a hipster! But yes, yesterday night I did have to take a picture of the glorious 500gr T-bone steak I was about to consume.

And you gotta admit, totally worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I never want you to leave whatsapp ever again either :)
